Talbot Taylor

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The ‘flipping little things’ when your heart is backward.

When I was younger, I was reminded every morning at school, during the pledge of allegiance when we put “hand to heart,” that mine was on the opposite side.

Back then, I did not know what I had yet—wasn’t diagnosed until I was 14—but I knew my organs were messed up. While reciting, I’d discreetly stretch my right thumb and half my palm over to my right, across my chest, just enough to be “safe” in my allegiance, and to my relief, without drawing attention. I learned early that adults were of the belief that I told imaginative fibs if I was to explain my anatomical situation. Another example of why and how I developed the need to keep my disease a secret most of my life.

Today, I’m mostly unaware of my situs inversus and dextrocardia unless I’m in a medical setting. Most days I hardly think about it. But last month, during my week-long hospital stay, a minor issue with my heart was detected­—besides the fact that it’s backwards of course! My doctor decided to prescribe a heart monitor for me to wear over a two-week period. I figured this would be a breeze compared to the 10 days I recently spent tethered to an IV.

The device was shipped to me and after opening it, seemed like it would all be rather easy. But for the last 11 days I’m constantly feeling a short vibration, then hearing a ding followed by a bright light telling me to check the electrodes. Even the device disbelieves I’m misaligned!

But before all that, attaching it was a bit discombobulating. I started doubting myself while separating the device’s electrodes according to its instructions. Swapping everything around like an EKG, I kept confusing the diagram’s left and right, with my right and left and if the ‘labeled’ left and right was from the back or the front! A mirror selfie only added to my disorientation. I finally resorted to scribbling on the image. That worked.

Overall, it’s been a little annoying. The batteries run out quickly with the sound and light to check the wires constantly. And in the middle of the night, when I’m ignoring it, the unit gets so hot I keep thinking Mr. Squiggles wedged himself under my side since he’s a mini furnace! Needless to say, I’m not getting good sleep.

Thursday cannot come soon enough when I’m free of this little nuisance. I’m sure many of you can relate!